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Which materials are recycled the most?


Which materials are recycled the most?

Recycling has recently become more and more important in recent years, as we start to see the effect climate change is having on our planet. Increasing wealth and population mean that more people are buying and using more non-biodegradable products.

A change in our lifestyles means that we are no longer growing our own food and eating at home – we now import products wrapped in plastic, or eat at fast food restaurants. Unfortunately, many people fail to realise the damage we are having on the planet, as millions believe their waste is insignificant in the grand scheme of things (when in reality their contribution is just as damning on its own).

This type of lifestyle and thought process is having a devastating effect on our planet, causing massive problems in our environment. Councils are even stepping in to stop the problem of people putting waste into the wrong bin by employing staff to carry out waste checks. Being environmentally conscious has a positive impact on all the ecosystems in the world and recycling is one of the easiest ways to help our environment!

Here, we will look at the materials we recycle the most, helping you choose more environmentally-friendly materials in your next shop or business venture!

Materials that are recycled the most

1. Aluminium

Aluminium is one of the most recycled materials on the planet as the metal is 100% recyclable, and it takes 95% less energy to recycle the material rather than produce it from scratch.

Aluminium can be recycled so fast that aluminium cans can be used, recycled, and back on the shelf in as little as 60 days. Furthermore, recycling one aluminium can can save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours!

2. Concrete

Concrete is often overlooked when people talk about the most recyclable materials, but in fact over 140 million tonnes of it is recycled every year. This saves a massive amount of landfill space and creates more employment opportunities in the UK.

glass bottles

3. Glass

Recycling glass saves 50% energy compared to virgin glass, generates 20% less air pollution, and creates 50% less water pollution. Glass is so easy to recycle that it doesn’t need to be exported, it can be recycled right here in the UK.

However, only 1 out of 6 glass bottles or jars are recycled as people often put them in the general waste bin. By educating people on recycling methods, we would be able to increase our recycling rates, which for the UK only currently sit at around 46%.

4. Newspaper

Newspaper is one of the most recycled materials in the UK – but there is still room for improvement. In Britain, one third of newspapers are thrown away, which is the equivalent of putting half a million trees into landfill.

This is highly frustrating due to the devastating effect tree removal has on the environment, along with all the pollution created from the process.

Newspaper is easily recycled; studies show that if only 10% more people recycled their paper, it would save a massive 5 million trees a year.

5. Plastic

Plastic is known for its non-biodegradable qualities, making recycling it one of the main ways to prevent plastic from ruining our environment, in particular the oceans.

It has recently been reported that much of the recyclable waste sent abroad to be recycled is being placed in landfill instead – by using Enfield Skips, you can ensure your waste is actually recycled, rather than dumped like other non-biodegradable waste.

Here at Enfield Skips, we are enthusiastic about recycling being an integral part of our business. We always ensure we recycle as much as we possibly can from the waste we collect – we are proud to recycle 90% of the waste we receive, but hope to improve this percentage. Choose a skip hire company that aspire to make a difference and get in touch with us today!
